Below we have published conversations between customers and Professor Karl Arfors regarding what to eat and not eat when it comes to sugar / carbohydrates.
Question about breakfast:
Hello Karl. The breakfast is hard to get right. It feels as though most breakfast foods contain sugar. How do you make your own breakfast?
I do not eat bread, but has a greater fat intake – I usually take a thick layer with salted butter on the cheese and found in the morning with two tablespoons of coconut oil for a more healthy fat intake. We now know that saturated fats are good for us – the industry that wants to sell polyunsaturated have tried to make us believe in fairy tales.
I also eat berries. Raspberry, who belongs to one of the best berries, and lingonberries and sour lingonberries, sour lingonberries has about the same effect as metformin, a means that is used in diabetes 2 -treatment for the insulin to respond better.
Question of fructose:
Hello Karl, I would like to know more about the relationship between fructose and cancer.
Go to and search for articles about fructose. Mercola knows what he writes about. – I have followed his info since I lived in the United States. He is an early adapter but it is always well founded and he is always right.
Thank you for the URL of Marcola, a real expert on many things! Should I interpret it as 15 grams of fructose a day is OK. I usually eat both raspberries and strawberries to my yogurt but far from the cup that contains 3-4 grams of fructose.
Regarding bread, is forbidden even with LCHF bread?
I think you should cross out the strawberries, which are high in carbohydrates and stick to raspberries with cream or fat greek yoghurt. Bread should be excluded completely, even dark bread with much fibers. If the LCHF-bread is baked with almond flour it is perhaps okay – but why do not try to adjust and forget about the bread completely.
What is it in the bread concretely that makes it unhealthy? It is the carbohydrates, or is it something in the flour? I receive many questions from others and it is good to be able to respond and to be well read.
It is the carbohydrates ie the flour that is directly metabolized to glucose. Moreover rye bread is usually colored with caramelized sugar – otherwise it would be gray from the rye flour and look quite unappetizing.
You can read about the issues with eating bread in the book wheatbelly (William Davis).
Thank you! I found a bread that is both delicious, organic and filling, but it looks very boring. The bread only contains 33 grams of carbohydrates. I do not eat more than 100 grams of bread a day. Is 33g / 100g OK?
No, I think you should stop eating bread completely – and really reduce the carbohydrate intake – you battle with your life and then 33g / 100g is not OK. You should not give the cells anything to live by – no glucose or fructose.
Also keep in mind that people often eat fruits and believe that it is healthy. The processed fruit we have today contain much sugar and you should know that cauliflower have 10x as much vitamin C as apple – so vegetables are a better way to go for compensation for the fruit’s vitamins.
You can be sure that butter and eggs do not contain any sugar – I also think that raspberries with cream is a good option, although it perhaps conceals a small sugar cube in the cream. But that’s nothing compared to the 1/3 of the bread that you brought up.
Have a little bearnaise sauce with your dinner instead and make your cells wonder why they do not get any food.
Really valuable information. That means I must also quit the beans, peas and lentils? I have started with this in smaller amounts, along with the vegetables. But these peas, lentils and beans contain 50-60% carbohydrates!
If the carbohydrates are slow, you can eat some, it is the release rate that determines how the insulin rises to lower sugar levels and make you hungry again.
Vegetables like cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli and all the brassicas like butter fried cabbage are wonderful snacks with slow degradation instead of potatoes and pasta that becomes sugar when it reaches the stomach.
Aha! Many thanks for this lessons. This means that very small amounts of brown rice, whole-grain rice and whole grain pasta could be OK.
Thank you for taking your valuable time to teach me about this. I have misunderstood carbohydrates completely, I believed that all carbohydrates were forbidden. I have completely gone after the carbohydrate content of the table of content.
Hold on. You know to little to set your ideas free. You should eat vegetables in lots – they are all slow. However, whole grain pasta and whole grain rice does not contain slow carbohydrates.
You have not misunderstood, but all carbohydrates are basically banned if you go after the carbohydrate content in the specification. Among the vegetables you should be eating, you should have a specification of how slow the carbohydrates are.
Ask about peanut butter:
Hello Karl. Do you know if peanut butter is OK to eat and what kind of fat it contains. According to the table of contents it contains very few carbohydrates and no sugar at all (although there seem to be few varieties with added sugar). The fat comes besides from the nuts from palm oil.
Do not eat peanut butter. There is much to say about the palm oil but I take it in short. I do not think we should eat palm oil – use coconut oil and take a few extra spoons in the morning and you will feel full for long.
Palm oil is extracted by heating and requires around 100 degrees to get the oil out from the palm fruit. At this temperature carcinogenic bensopyrener are created. These substances are the same as the carcinogens that occur when we burn the meat on the barbecue. In particular, the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, cancer in the kidneys, the pancreas and rectum increases.
Palm oil also increases inflammation- and infection risk in the body because of its high content of omega-6. Although the proportion of oxidized cholesterol increases, which is a risk factor when it comes to cardiovascular disease. The ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 in the palm oil is 46: 1 and it should remain below 5.